AI-powered Roadmap Creation

Use the power of AI to create reliable roadmaps

Efficient and Reliable Roadmap Planning

In the traditional world of roadmap planning within Jira, planners often spend hours manually estimating start and end dates by dragging bars on a screen, whether for epics or individual stories. These colorful boxes may appear comprehensive, but they’re essentially best guesses, leading to a host of challenges.

With SprintWise and Jira, we revolutionize roadmap planning. Our AI leverages predictive analytics based on Jira’s historical data. At the touch of a button, epics and their stories are seamlessly imported into SprintWise, which automatically schedules them and displays the roadmap in an easy-to-follow Gantt chart.

And that’s just the beginning. SprintWise’s robust scheduling engine empowers you to run ‘what-if’ scenarios effortlessly. Wondering what happens if you add another developer to the team? A single click adjusts the entire roadmap, providing instant insights. Need to meet a specific epic deadline? SprintWise shows you how.

The outcome? A roadmap that’s not just visually appealing but data-driven and resource-leveled, ensuring it’s not merely a wishful picture but a truly achievable plan. Present your roadmap with confidence, knowing it’s built on solid ground.

Visualize your Roadmap with Clarity and Flexibility

Traditionally, roadmaps have been presented to stakeholders using Gantt charts, which effectively illustrate the timeline of a project. However, Gantt charts have limitations when it comes to displaying dependencies. They use arrows to connect tasks, which can become overwhelming when there are numerous dependencies, making it challenging for stakeholders to grasp the full picture.

With SprintWise, we’ve taken a different approach to roadmap presentation. Our roadmaps are displayed both in the familiar Gantt chart format and on a dynamic Whiteboard. While the Gantt chart offers a clear timeline view, the Whiteboard provides a comprehensive ‘big picture’ view of your roadmap, showcasing epics, stories, and their dependencies with utmost clarity.

SprintWise automatically arranges items on the Whiteboard upon import, ensuring that all dependencies are presented logically. And because effective communication is key, our Whiteboard layout is fully customizable. You have the flexibility to effortlessly reposition epics and stories for optimal stakeholder engagement, making sure your roadmap tells the story you want it to.