Optimize your Sprint Planning with AI

Use the power of AI to consistently achieve your sprint goals

Consistently achieve your sprint goals

Traditionally, the sprint planning process unfolds as follows:

  1. Establish the Sprint Goal: The sprint goal is collectively defined.
  2. Determine Team Velocity: Team velocity is agreed upon, based on historical performance.
  3. Select Sprint Issues: Issues are chosen from the backlog until team velocity is achieved.
  4. Assign Tasks: The selected sprint issues are assigned to developers.

However, a flaw exists within this process — individual developers possess distinct velocities. This is the very reason why issues are estimated using story points instead of time. Neglecting developer velocity data when assigning tasks can lead to an unachievable sprint plan due to the variations in developer capacities.

Enter AI as the game-changer. SprintWise’s AI revolutionizes sprint planning by analyzing historical performance data within Jira at the individual developer level. SprintWise automatically selects and allocates the highest-priority issues from the backlog to achieve not only team velocity but also individual developer velocities. The outcome is a sprint plan that instills confidence in the entire team, knowing they can meet their sprint goals.

Faster sprint planning​

In traditional sprint planning, teams dedicate hours to review the backlog, select tasks, and assign them to individual developers. This process is both time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Enter SprintWise’s AI-powered solution, designed to streamline your sprint planning process. Our AI leverages predictive analytics based on historical Jira data to automate and expedite sprint planning. With just a click, issues from your Jira backlog are seamlessly integrated into your sprint and thoughtfully allocated to developers.

When you use SprintWise in conjunction with Jira, your sprint planning meeting shifts gears. Instead of starting from scratch, your team begins with the AI-generated sprint plan. Then, using SprintWise’s user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, you can effortlessly fine-tune the plan to meet your specific needs.

The result? Less time spent in meetings and more time dedicated to the implementation and delivery of your sprint goals.